Hello Friends! I’m so excited to announce my newest project. I have been working on this since the start of the pandemic. Today, I released my first on-line class… Childbirth Education! I have taught this class for many years in person but I decided to create my own on-line class for you all! In this …
It’s important to know your options for pain relief during labor! I have seen a lot of moms that have the intention of going natural but have never felt labor pains before, never educated themselves on pain options, and now they aren’t sure what to do!! They can’t “take the pain” anymore but are having …
When you get a cervical exam there is a couple of things you should know. The first thing is, it can be somewhat uncomfortable. But remember the more you tighten the harder it is for the doctor or nurse to complete the exam. So, try to stay as relaxed as possible. Secondly, the exam can …
Engorgement is swelling of the breasts that can block the milk flow. Inadequate or infrequent milk removal can cause this to occur. The breast will appear tight and shiny….and can be pretty uncomfortable! It may also appear warm/hot and sometimes painful. With some severe causes milk production may stop. Most moms feel relief right after …
What is Baby-Friendly? And why is that important when you are choosing a hospital to deliver at? Baby-Friendly is a global initiative started by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund in the early 90’s. Here in the United States we have our own specific goals for Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiatives. In 2007, …