Each Trimester brings on new adventures during Pregnancy. And even though it may not seem like it at that time… it really does go by pretty fast! (I thought so anyways.) This is a picture of our sweet baby boy during the second trimester! Here are a few things to look forward to in each of the 3 trimesters…
First Trimester: 0-14 weeks
During your first trimester you may notice many changes as your hormones are affecting your body. Changes may include…
* Mood Swings
*Extreme Fatigue/Tiredness
*Nausea/Morning Sickness- You can try some Ginger Cookies or Preggie Pops that may help with the nausea. I loved Preggie Pops! They saved me so many days. Also consider taking a better prenatal vitamin…. like Dr. Stockwell’s Prenatals!! I love these prenatals and wish I had them during my pregnancy with Hugo. I plan to take these prenatals with my next pregnancy!! (Check out this video with more info on Dr. Stockwell’s Prenatals)! And If you aren’t able to keep any fluids down make sure you contact your physician. Something else that may help with the nausea is to try and take your prenatal vitamin before bed rather than in the morning and at a small number of meals throughout the day rather than larger meals. (Also, check out this video about Dr. Stockwell’s Tips on Nausea!!) Zofran and Diclegis are both safe during pregnancy. Both must be prescribe by your physician.
*Breast Tenderness or Swollen breasts
*Constipation (Colace is safe to take during pregnancy)- Also, make sure you are trying to drink plenty of water.
*Headache (Tylenol is safe to take during pregnancy)
*Weight gain OR loss (depending on how nausea/vomiting you are having)
Second Trimester: 14-28 weeks
Most women usual find that the second trimester starts to become easier. I know that I did! It was actually at the middle of 13 weeks and all of a sudden… one day I felt so much better!! Typically nausea and fatigue go away during this trimester. Before the end of this trimester you will start to feel your baby move as it is continuing to grow!
As your body continues to change you may notice…
*Darkening of the skin around your nipples and/or a line running down your belly (starting at your belly button).
*Body Aches; typically you abdomen and back.
*Carpal tunnel: numb or tingling feeling on your hands- My Carpal Tunnel started around 20 weeks and continued to this day really. It typically goes away by 12 weeks postpartum… (I will have to talk about my carpal tunnel journey in another post…and what I did to help with my extreme case of Carpal Tunnel).
* Swelling on your ankles, face, or hands.
Third Trimester: 28-40 weeks
The last trimester of your pregnancy!! YAY!!!!
As your body is continuing to stretch and baby is continuing to grow you may start to notice…
*Difficulty sleeping (a body pillow may help) I absolutely LOVED my body pillow. This is the one that worked best for me… CLICK HERE!!
*Acid reflux/Heartburn- Tums were my best friend!!
*Shortness of Breath- I had to sleep sitting up with pillows behind me for support because I could no longer sleep flat.
*Continued Swelling (If sudden or extreme swelling call your doctor right away. This could be a sign of Preeclampsia.)
*Breast tenderness and possible leaking of colostrum (pre-milk).
*Contractions (call your physician’s office if you start to have regular contractions or preterm contractions).
Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing…but there are also some really tough times during pregnancy. It is really hard work growing a tiny human!!!! Enjoy the journey!!
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