When you get a cervical exam there is a couple of things you should know. The first thing is, it can be somewhat uncomfortable. But remember the more you tighten the harder it is for the doctor or nurse to complete the exam. So, try to stay as relaxed as possible. Secondly, the exam can vary just a little from person to person because we all have slightly different hand sizes. All that matters is that each exam is somewhat close and you are progressing in labor! There are several things that the doctors and nurses are feeling for during the exam….Dilation, Effacement, Pelvic Station, and Fetal Descent. Here’s a little more info about each…
Dilation: Expressed in centimeters (cm). It’s the enlargement or widening of the cervical opening. It states closed a 0 and progressed to 10cm = completely dilated.
Effacement: Expressed in a percentage (0%=thick & 100%=thin)
How thick or thin the cervix is.
(Both dilatation and effacement occur due to the drawing upward of the uterine muscles during contractions.)
Pelvic Station: Expressed in +5 to -5
+5 is perineal bulging (baby delivery) & -5 is high in the pelvis.
Fetal Descent: Progress of the “presenting part” (baby’s head) through the pelvis. The degree of descent is measure by pelvic station.
Make sure you check out my YOUTUBE CHANNEL with more educational videos about Cervical Dilation! AND……my video about Dilation, Effacement, and Pelvic Station…as always friends!! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel!! 🙂