Engorgement is swelling of the breasts that can block the milk flow. Inadequate or infrequent milk removal can cause this to occur. The breast will appear tight and shiny….and can be pretty uncomfortable! It may also appear warm/hot and sometimes painful. With some severe causes milk production may stop. Most moms feel relief right after feeding. It usually occurs in days 3-5 when the mature milk has transitioned in. Mothers who spent the first 48 hours breastfeeding are associated with less engorgement.
A few tips to help with engorgement include…
-Placing a warm washcloth on your breasts prior to feeding.
-Massage your breasts prior to and during feedings.
-Take a warm shower and let the water run directly onto your breasts. Then, feed baby (or pump) right after.
-You can use Motrin (as needed) for pain relief
-Try your best to rest (which I know is hard to do with a new baby).
-Increase your water intake.
-You can also use a basin or large bowl, fill it with warm water, set it on the table or counter top, and let your breasts rest in there for a few minutes.
-Call your physician or CLC/IBCLC if it doesn’t get any better after a couple of days OR if you start to develop fever and chills with the Engorgement. This may then actually be Mastitis and you may need a prescription from your physician or nurse midwife.
Make sure you check out my YouTube video about Engorgement as well! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel friends!! 🙂