It’s important to know your options for pain relief during labor! I have seen a lot of moms that have the intention of going natural but have never felt labor pains before, never educated themselves on pain options, and now they aren’t sure what to do!! They can’t “take the pain” anymore but are having …
I felt very nervous, excited, and a little scared for my first c-section (like any other new mama). However, being a Labor Nurse I somewhat knew what to expect. Many of the things that I have heard you might feel were actually true!! My cesarean section was planned due to my son growing large for …
Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is very important!! Don’t forget to do so while you are growing this tiny human!! Here are a few tips to help with this… Skin Care: Many women experience acne during pregnancy. Placental hormones increase the oil production in your skin that can increase the amount of acne. You …