As a Labor Nurse I was very Surprised What I felt during my Cesarean Section…

I felt very nervous, excited, and a little scared for my first c-section (like any other new mama). However, being a Labor Nurse I somewhat knew what to expect. Many of the things that I have heard you might feel were actually true!! My cesarean section was planned due to my son growing large for his gestational age (This planned c-section was something that my primary OB and high risk doctor decided.) I remember walking back to the OR and being nervous and saying a prayer that everything would go as planned! Once I got back to the OR I sat on the side of the OR table and got into positions for my spinal. With a planned c-section most mamas get a spinal rather than an epidural. A spinal is a one time shot in the back rather than an epidural which is a catheter that gets inserted into your epidural space. In rare cases or emergencies, some mamas may have to go under general anesthesia (which is wear you are put to sleep). But with a spinal or epidural you are awake and feel no pain but just feel pressure… (I’ll get back to that in a second). Once I was in position for my spinal the anesthesiologist first set up… then cleaned off my back… and then stuck me with numbing medication which felt like a bee sting. After the numbing medication I felt pressure in my back and it sort of felt like a tiny little pop at the medicine went in. To be 100% honest, the IV actually hurt worse than the spinal. (Which is what most of my patients have said over the years.) After that my nurses and doctor helped me to lay back on the OR table and my nurse out my Foley catheter in. I didn’t feel any pain with that but just felt the touch. Then, they wiped my abdomen down again and prepared me for surgery with the blue sheet over top. After that they called in my hunny and he was able to now sit next to me in his blue OR gear. Now the NICU RN and Respiratory Therapist came into the room to wait for the arrival of my sweet boy! Once my doctor cut my incision it all seemed to go pretty quickly.

I do remember feeling lots and lots of pulling and tugging on my abdomen and then I remember feeling a TON of pressure in the chest while baby was coming out. Now keep in mind, he was 9lb 2 oz and therefore it is very normal to feel a lot of pressure while they are trying to get baby’s head and then body delivered. It felt like an an elephant was sitting on my chest for about 10 seconds. Once baby came out I felt like I could finally breath “normal” again. From there I don’t remember feeling any other discomfort other than my hands started burning (just because of my pregnancy induced carpal tunnel and the flat positioning my arms were laying in). It took longer to close me up than to get baby out! Once the nurses cleaned off Hugo they brought him over to Dad and I as we were able to see our sweet boy and take a few family pics!! I was so thankful to have such a wonderful delivery and everyone on my team did an AMAZING JOB! I was so lucky to have such great staff and friends to care for me and my sweet Hugo that day!

 After the surgery I met Hugo and my family in my postpartum room! I will talk later about my postpartum recovery. Hope that helps you get a good idea of what to expect during a cesarean section…. or at least an idea of what you may feel. 

For more info about what to expect for a planned c-section check out my YouTube video!!! AND MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL!

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