Benefits for Mother…
- Decreases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
- Decreases the chance of Type 2 Diabetes.
- Helps with involution of the uterus/decreasing the chances of maternal hemorrhage.
- Those who do not breastfeed are at a greater risk of postpartum depression.
- Assists with postpartum weight loss.
- Decrease in expenses at home.
Benefits for Baby…
- Breastmilk has bio-active components unique to infants.
- Bacteria in their gut that keeps them healthy.
- Less diarrhea in infants.
- Decreased risks of Ear Infections in infants/
- According to a Brazilian study; Babies who were breastfeed longer had…
- higher IQs
- More years of education
- high income by age 30
These are just a few of the many benefits to breastfeeding! I am lucky that it has worked out so well for our family. If you have any breastfeeding questions please feel free to leave a comment or… send me an email at
10 of my favorite breastfeeding related products…
- The Haakaa
2. The Milk-Saver
3. Lactation Cookies
4. Lactation Massager
5. Nipple Cream
6. Nursing Pads
7. Milksta Lactation Instant Coffee
8. Breast Pump Bag
9. Breastfeeding Bra
10. Breastfeeding Dress